Dental Plan Specialists Since 1990

Get Your Agent License Today
We Want You!

We look forward to partnering with you to sell dental products! Our plans provide affordable dental care for individuals and families.

Get Licensed Today! It's Easy!

  1. Fill out the form below
  2. Check your email and save the attached PDF form
  3. Fill out the licensing forms and send them back to us
  4. Once your licensing application is processed, you'll receive an email update including your agent number
  5. We will send you instructions on how to link to our site and promote the plans
Dental Agent Licensing Form

Agent Licensing Sign Up: (*required)

*First Name:
*Last Name:
Company Name:
Title (if applicable):
Address 2:
*Zip Code:
*Phone Number:
*E-mail Address:
How did you find out about us?
About us other:
*Are you already licensed with Beta Health? Yes No

Any information submitted using this form will not be shared with any third parties. Privacy Policy

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